Expert guidance, self-help hacks and real-life stories to help you improve your mental wellbeing.

The subtle signs you have high-functioning anxiety
MY LIFE IS a dichotomy, in that I’ve spent years in tae kwon do, love football and rodeos, but have an affinity for frozen yoghurt and watching Netflix with a good cabernet and wood wick candles next to my cats, Thelma and Louise. I attribute my temperament to genes...
Osher Günsberg on how to redirect distracting sexual energy
BEFORE KURT RUSSELL attempted an Escape from New York, before he battled The Thing, he starred in the underrated comedy Used Cars. Early in the movie, he is given some of the greatest wisdom a young man could hope to hear: “Don’t let the little head do the thinking...
What #narctok won’t tell you about real narcissism
"I THINK MY boss is a narcissist.” “Your mum sounds like a narcissist.” “Oh, my ex-boyfriend was so abusive, a total narcissist.” You’ve heard these extremely common sentiments out in the real world. More than half a million videos on TikTok are tagged with #NarcTok,...
Dog walks benefit mental health, says new study
BRAVING THE WIND and rain to take the dog for a walk might not seem appealing, but we know it benefits not only our pets but also our mental health. In fact, a recent study by Purina found that 82 per cent of people felt dog walks improved their mental well-being....
Josh Cavallo has work to do
THE MORE THINGS CHANGE the more they stay the same, goes the saying. And if you scroll through the comments section of any of Josh Cavallo’s Instagram posts, you’ll find it difficult to disagree. On October 27th, it will be three years to the day since Cavallo...
Therapists explain the surprising depression symptoms for men
It's important not to ignore these signs.
Manoj Dias on sowing the seeds of softness
An unexpected lesson in masculinity – through gardening
Osher Günsberg on coming to grips with what you can actually control in life
The key to managing your mental health in rocky times could be to look at what you have influence over and what you don’t
10 signs you’re dealing with a sociopath, according to therapists
Look carefully, because not all of them are obvious
Osher Günsberg on why you need a mental map
If you ignore the signs of stress and anxiety, you can find yourself lost in a psychological wilderness. But with the right navigational tools in your mental backpack, you can find your way back to safety
Why you don’t need to be happy all the time to lead a fulfilling life
Striving for perpetual happiness is a fool’s errand and an unachievable goal, as a positive psychologist discovered for himself
Olympic breaker Jeff Dunne breaks down how he mentally tackles his sport
Australia's first male Olympic breaker will have a lot on his plate when his sport debuts at the Paris Olympics. This is how he'll deal with it
Osher Günsberg on why vulnerability and resilience are connected
In order to live life to the fullest, you need to be prepared to expose yourself to potential pain and discomfort, while equipping yourself with the tools to handle that hardship. No, it’s not easy. Yes, it’s worth it
Unlocking your greatness: the healing power of self-forgiveness
Discover how cutting yourself some slack and forgiving yourself for mistakes can help you realise the full extent of your potential
Tracking my alcohol intake for 150 days changed my drinking forever
With Dry July upon us, it's a good time to evaluate your alcohol consumption. Pulling the handbrake on boozing can be tough, but drink-tracking apps can make mindful drinking doable
Marcus Bontempelli on why championing mental health support is good for footy
The superstar midfielder discusses how he deals with setbacks and how far the AFL has come in supporting its players' mental health needs
Doctors explain how to control ADHD symptoms
These strategies can help with inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.