Expert guidance, self-help hacks and real-life stories to help you improve your mental wellbeing.

The subtle signs you have high-functioning anxiety
MY LIFE IS a dichotomy, in that I’ve spent years in tae kwon do, love football and rodeos, but have an affinity for frozen yoghurt and watching Netflix with a good cabernet and wood wick candles next to my cats, Thelma and Louise. I attribute my temperament to genes...
Osher Günsberg on how to redirect distracting sexual energy
BEFORE KURT RUSSELL attempted an Escape from New York, before he battled The Thing, he starred in the underrated comedy Used Cars. Early in the movie, he is given some of the greatest wisdom a young man could hope to hear: “Don’t let the little head do the thinking...
What #narctok won’t tell you about real narcissism
"I THINK MY boss is a narcissist.” “Your mum sounds like a narcissist.” “Oh, my ex-boyfriend was so abusive, a total narcissist.” You’ve heard these extremely common sentiments out in the real world. More than half a million videos on TikTok are tagged with #NarcTok,...
Dog walks benefit mental health, says new study
BRAVING THE WIND and rain to take the dog for a walk might not seem appealing, but we know it benefits not only our pets but also our mental health. In fact, a recent study by Purina found that 82 per cent of people felt dog walks improved their mental well-being....
Josh Cavallo has work to do
THE MORE THINGS CHANGE the more they stay the same, goes the saying. And if you scroll through the comments section of any of Josh Cavallo’s Instagram posts, you’ll find it difficult to disagree. On October 27th, it will be three years to the day since Cavallo...
I hypnotised myself for two weeks to sleep better. Here’s what happened
Waves of new apps are helping dispel the perception that hypnosis is a circus act and promising that the practice will be the next big thing in self-care. But does it actually work?
Why top executives are turning to weight training to manage stress
While a degree of stress can be beneficial, if cortisol is elevated long term it can lead to burnout. Here's how weight training can help
Are you a ‘stress bragger?’
Yeah, you’re swamped. We get it. But a new study has found broadcasting how busy you are can not only breed resentment but lead to burnout – for your colleagues!
Is wellness tech the future of preventative healthcare?
On the verge of burnout, our wellness expert turned to an unlikely source for salvation: technology
How John Butler’s new album helped him heal from grief
The folk musician’s new album, Running River, was recorded during a period of immense personal turmoil. But as he explains on the new episode of Men's Health's Turning Point podcast, the creative process proved cathartic
Osher Günsberg on reframing your reaction to bad news
After recently losing two TV hosting gigs in the space of a week, our expert panellist on growth has had time for reflection. As he’s discovered, when life gives you lemons, it helps if you have a plan in place and are willing to do some work on yourself. That way, you actually have a shot at making lemonade . . . or something just as sweet
Olympic surfer Connor O’Leary is doing it for the culture
Less than three months out from his maiden Olympic Games, Japanese-Australian surfer Connor O’Leary sat down with Men’s Health to discuss his decision to switch national allegiances to Japan, the importance of heritage, prioritising self-care, and the morning routine powering him to the Olympics
Man2Man: why resisting social media could help unlock true purpose in life
A writer looks back on the men of yesteryear and ponders whether we're losing meaning and purpose in the social media age. Something to ponder before your next scroll
Inside Tez Steinberg’s epic 126-day rowing journey across the Pacific Ocean
After 126 days at sea and with more than 8,000 kilometres of water behind him, Tez Steinberg arrived in Australia from Hawaii last month, after setting off in late 2023 to raise awareness for ocean conservation and accelerate ocean plastic solutions. Steinberg’s journey was one of immense physical endurance, but as he tells Men’s Health, he wouldn’t trade the mental payoff for anything
Dr Zac Seidler on why men have a crucial role to play if we are to effectively tackle domestic violence
We are in a cultural maelstrom right now, and men are at the centre of it. A woman being murdered every four days by a man in her life isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s an unquestionable national emergency, that demands men take this seriously, and act
7 ways you wreck your body when you don’t get off your butt
Plus, we drop the easy tips and tricks that you can do to get back on track and wave away that frustrating funk
Osher Günsberg on the mental burpee everyone needs to do
One of the hardest but most beneficial things you can do to balance your mental equilibrium is start taking notice of the world around you. Like, really noticing