Everything you need to know to elevate your bedroom performance to new heights.

The foreskin problem that’s more common than you think
SOMETIMES IT CAN be confusing figuring out what’s normal anatomy and what are issues that might need medical attention. But if you have a foreskin and you can’t pull it back over the head of your penis you might be dealing with phimosis, and that falls into the latter...
Osher Günsberg on how to redirect distracting sexual energy
BEFORE KURT RUSSELL attempted an Escape from New York, before he battled The Thing, he starred in the underrated comedy Used Cars. Early in the movie, he is given some of the greatest wisdom a young man could hope to hear: “Don’t let the little head do the thinking...
Time, trust, and true matches: SEI Club speaks about the modern dating lives of elite men
THANKS TO THE rise of dating apps, social media, and other digital platforms, meeting new people has never been more convenient; and one might assume that dating is easier than ever. However, for elite men – those at the pinnacle of success, wealth, and influence –...
Do you really need to boost your testosterone levels?
SKY-HIGH TESTOSTERONE seems to be everyone’s answer for what ails all men, promising more energy, bigger muscles, higher sex drive, better mood and PBs in the gym. At least that’s the picture promoted by supplement spruikers, online ‘men’s health’ clinics and plenty...
50 of the best safe words to use during sex
What is a safe word? Safewords originated in the Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism (BDSM) community where play involves extreme forms of dominance. A safeword is a pre-agreed word or signal that stops play instantly and is part of the permissive philosophy of...
The foreskin problem that’s more common than you think
A tight foreskin can be a serious health problem. Discover everything you need to know about phimosis to keep your private parts healthy
Osher Günsberg on how to redirect distracting sexual energy
We all have urges, it’s what you do with them that counts
Time, trust, and true matches: SEI Club speaks about the modern dating lives of elite men
Exploring the evolving relationship dynamics, values, and challenges faced by high-achieving men in today’s dating landscape, as shared by SEI Club
Do you really need to boost your testosterone levels?
Worried your T levels might be dipping? Don’t know what’s considered normal? Use this guide to get a better handle on your most important hormone
50 of the best safe words to use during sex
Originating in the BDSM community, where sex involves extreme forms of dominance, safe words are used to stop play immediately. Here are 50 of the best safe words to use
6 ways your diet is destroying your sex life
Plus, exactly what you can do to get your performance up to par
Pornhub reveals the 10 most popular porn categories of the last 10 years
Pornhub has shared the most-viewed porn categories over the last decade. Did your favourite make the list?
How the five-second rule could save your relationship
Study finds five-second break could defuse arguments and avoid full-scale rows
The best sex positions for your penis size
Use what you've got to your advantage and make the most of your sex life with this guide
17 ways to last longer in bed
Though it may seem hopeless, there are several effective ways to curb premature ejaculation
22 ways men can make their orgasms even better
Kick your pleasure into overdrive with these simple tricks