SOME SAY THAT it’s merely an urban legend. Some claim it comes easily to them. And others – well, they just think it’s freaking amazing. Yep, we’re talking about squirting, AKA female ejaculation. Whether you’ve been lucky enough to witness it yourself, you marvelled at it in porn, or you have yet to see actual proof that this is a real thing (spoiler alert: it is), you likely have questions. How and why does this happen? Can everyone squirt? Is it pee? And more importantly, why is this such a turn-on?
Squirting is actually more common than you might think. In fact, a 2024 study found that 40% of adult vulva owners in the US have squirted in their lifetime – and two thirds of them discovered their ability to squirt unintentionally. (Now that’s what we call a happy accident.) That said, the vast majority of vulva owners in this study – 75% – reported using specific techniques in order to get there.
While squirting can happen simultaneously with an orgasm, it often doesn’t work that way: only 20% of vulva owners say the two events happen together. Still, no matter how or when it happens, some seem to enjoy it. For example, porn performer Jiz Lee, who contributed a section on squirting to the book Girl Sex 101, calls it a “powerful release.” Something to keep in mind, though: not everyone is eager to squirt, and some vulva owners even report that the experience is too emotionally intense. So, before you start doing your noble research on how to facilitate squirting, you’ll probably want to ask your partner whether they’re open to trying it.
And if they are, don’t be surprised when you get hard merely by watching this epic display.
“Squirting is a visual confirmation that is very satisfying to our brain,” sex educator and squirting specialist Kenneth Play previously told Men’s Health. “It tells us that we’ve succeeded. It registers to us because it looks the same as male ejaculation, so it produces a dopamine response that tells us we’ve won.”
According to Lola Jean, a sex educator and self-proclaimed “Olympic Squirter”, squirting is one of the most misunderstood and under-researched sex acts. So, let’s cut through all the noise and separate the myths from the facts, shall we?
Here’s everything you need to know about squirting – and how to make it happen for your partner.

Can every vulva-owner squirt?
Mainstream porn has led some viewers to believe that squirting is a lot more common than it actually is – in reality, some vulva-owners don’t squirt.
“Some people squirt once or with orgasm, some repeatedly, and some not at all,” Lee says. Still, the majority of vulva-owners report having some squirting ability. A 2017 study found that 69% of vulva-owners between the ages of 18 and 39 have experienced ejaculation during orgasm.
Want to know a fun fact about squirting in porn? A lot of that intense gushing that you see on camera isn’t actually the porn actor squirting. They often shoot water up their vaginas, hold it in place, and then release when instructed by the camera crew. It’s important to remember that while porn is hella entertaining, it is just that: entertainment. We shouldn’t be expecting IRL sex to look like a porn movie. That would be like expecting a drive to the grocery store to be like a car-chasing scene in The Fast and The Furious.
What is squirting, anyway?
For a long time, we didn’t know whether squirting was the same as peeing, where squirting come from, or how it worked, but a 2023 study published in the Journal of Sex Research has helped to clear up some of the mysteries. According to the research by Dr. Devon Hensel and associates, there are actually 2 types of squirting: there’s female ejaculation; and then there’s a more gushing kind of squirting from the bladder.
Female ejaculation happens when the Skene’s glans are stimulated during internal stimulation of the clitourethrovaginal complex. When some people with a vulva are sufficiently aroused, they may squirt a clear-ish liquid through their urethra – kinda like how people with a penis are able to ejaculate, except in this case, the process has nothing to do with reproduction. This is an alkaline fluid that is akin to prostate fluid in males.
But if you’re a big, fire-hydrant squirter, that fluid is coming from the bladder, not the Skene’s glans. Which brings us to the second kind of squirting, which is characterised as a gushing or intense expulsion of liquid from the urethra. This liquid is not exactly pee, but as it’s coming from the bladder, there’s definitely some diluted urine in there.
According to a 2013 study, the amount of ejaculate vulva-owners release through squirting can range from 0.3ml to more than 150 mL. Some bodies just squirt more than others, and hydration levels can impact the amount of ejaculate, too. “It doesn’t mean you did a better job if there was more fluid,” Jean says.
Is squirt the same as pee?
Well, yes and no. Female ejaculate from the Skene’s Glands is not urine. The exact makeup of female ejaculate fluid has long been a subject of debate, but here’s the latest according to a 2021 literature review: anatomical studies have shown that squirt originates in the Skene’s glands and includes prostate specific antigen (PSA), which is typically found in prostate fluid. We also know that ejaculate differs from urine in its creatinine and urea concentrations.
“It’s understandable that people might think it’s urine, since it comes from the same hole,” Lee says. “While it’s true that people can urinate during sex, [ejaculate] is a different fluid with a different chemical make-up.”
That said, there is some urine in that bigger, more intense squirting that some people experience. So, the answer about squirt and pee is rather complicated. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what squirt is—for many people with a vulva, squirting feels good, so let’s focus on the pleasure-giving part of this magical bodily process.
Now will you tell me how to make a partner squirt?
Almost. Before you and your partner get down to business, ask yourself: Who is this for?
“Squirting isn’t always accompanied by an orgasm, and not everyone finds it pleasurable,” Jean says. A 2021 study of 28 squirters found that some participants felt ashamed of their bodies’ natural pleasure response or found the sensation to be unpleasant, while others considered their squirting ability a “superpower.”
Do you want your partner to squirt for their sake, since you want them to have the most pleasurable sexual experience possible? Or do you want them to squirt for your ego? If it’s the latter, then you and your partner shouldn’t attempt squirting. Ask your partner if squirting is something they’d like to try. If squirting doesn’t appeal to them, stick with other sexual activities you’ll both enjoy.
If you’re both down to try it, here’s what to do next
Be prepared
First, prepare your bodies. Make sure your partner is well-hydrated. Since you’ll probably be using your fingers, you should wash your hands and make sure your nails are trimmed and filed to avoid causing cuts or abrasions.
Next, prepare your space. Squirting can get pretty wet, and if you or your partner are worried about making a mess, you probably won’t enjoy yourselves. “Lay down a large towel, a mattress protector, or a sex blanket to make clean-up easy and lessen concerns about ‘wetting’ the bed,” Lee says.
That said, if your partner has never squirted before, anticipating a waterfall might feel like a lot of pressure. Talk to your partner about what would feel best to them. If they’d rather not lay down a towel, that’s fine – you can always wash your bedding after sex if you need to. Of course, if your partner knows they can gush like Old Faithful, they might be willing (and eager!) to use some form of mattress protection.
Take the pressure off
Squirting should be about the journey; not the destination. “Any time you approach sex with a goal, there’s potential pressure placed on the act that can create potential frustration and dissapointment,” Lee says. “Put that whole concept of a goal in the trash bin and set out with simply the possibility to include something new and exciting.” Remember that even if your partner doesn’t squirt during your first (or tenth) attempt, at least you both had fun trying!
Get your partner aroused
Turning your partner on will prime their body for squirting. “Arousal will not only engorge the perennial sponge and the urethral sponge making then more receptive to touch, but it will also help build up fluids in the Bartholin’s glands (largely responsible for vaginal lubrication) and paraurethral glands (largely responsible for urethral lubrication),” Jean explains.
There’s no universal way to get a partner in the mood, so if you’re not already familiar with your partner’s turn-on’s, ask them what they’re craving. They might be into kissing, dirty talk, digital clitoral stimulation, oral sex, nipple play, role play, porn, sex toys, spanking, or something else entirely.
Ramp up clitoral and vaginal stimulation
Every person is different when it comes to squirting. Some people need firm G-spot stimulation. Others need soft clitoral circling. Some vulva-owners can even squirt without any direct stimulation to their vulva. Because of this, there are various techniques you can try. You can and should explore various methods with your partner, and remember: communication is key. “Listen to verbal and non-verbal physical cues for how much pressure to apply, how fast of movement to make, whether to add kissing or clitoral stimulation, etc.” Lee says.
One popular technique involves a combination of clitoral and G-spot stimulation using your fingers or sex toys. “While people can squirt from penile penetration, it’s far more likely to happen with hands or curved sex toys,” Lee explains.
You may think that in order to get your partner to squirt, you need to aggressively thrust with your hand and deliver the most pressure possible. This is not always the case. “Everyone’s body is different, and while many enjoy a full spectrum of intensity, these are highly sensitive parts of the body, so they may not want you jackhammering away at these nerve-packed zones,” Jean says.
Get ready for the final “push”
“Once you hear the ‘splash splash’ sound – meaning your partner is really wet – I am telling you now that your partner is capable of squirting; they just have to figure out how to get it out of their body,” Jean says. For some vulva-owners, that means pushing out using their pelvic floor muscles.
Often, vulva-owners report that they feel like they need to pee right before they squirt, which makes sense, considering squirt does come out of the urethra. This discourages some people from squirting because they fear they’re just to pee. Knowing this is a common sensation can help your partner relax and push through the confusing “peeing” feeling.
Once your partner signals that they’re about to start squirting, stick with external stimulation. “Be aware that toys or hands may block the urethral opening at that important moment of fluid expulsion, so be prepared to move them aside when it’s time,” Lee says. “Some people will ask partners to pull out just before they gush.”
You may attempt everything, and your partner doesn’t squirt. This is completely fine and doesn’t mean either of you did anything wrong. You can always try again if your partner wants to (and you both had a good time, didn’t you?). And whether or not your partner squirts, remember the importance of aftercare!
What positions are best to get your partner to squirt?
Sometimes, a small change of body positions can make a big difference during sex. The right position can turn an average round of play into an immensely satisfying bone sesh – and that’s true for trying to make your partner squirt. You’ll want to use your fingers or a toy for stimulation, says Gigi Engle, A.C.S., a certified sex educator and lead intimacy expert at 3Fun.
Butterfly queening
Have your partner lie on their back and fan their knees out to the sides. Kneel between them, and stimulate with your fingers or a toy.
“This gives lots of access to the area and makes it easy to move your fingers or a toy in the upward motion needed to stimulate the Skene’s glands and urethral sponge,” Engle says.
Doggy style
Doggy style puts your partner in an optimal position for the upward motion needed to provide the correct stimulation to achieve squirting. Kneel behind them, and apply stimulation while angling down towards the belly button.
This article originally appeared on Men’s Health US.