Everything you need to know to elevate your bedroom performance to new heights.

The foreskin problem that’s more common than you think
SOMETIMES IT CAN be confusing figuring out what’s normal anatomy and what are issues that might need medical attention. But if you have a foreskin and you can’t pull it back over the head of your penis you might be dealing with phimosis, and that falls into the latter...
Osher Günsberg on how to redirect distracting sexual energy
BEFORE KURT RUSSELL attempted an Escape from New York, before he battled The Thing, he starred in the underrated comedy Used Cars. Early in the movie, he is given some of the greatest wisdom a young man could hope to hear: “Don’t let the little head do the thinking...
Time, trust, and true matches: SEI Club speaks about the modern dating lives of elite men
THANKS TO THE rise of dating apps, social media, and other digital platforms, meeting new people has never been more convenient; and one might assume that dating is easier than ever. However, for elite men – those at the pinnacle of success, wealth, and influence –...
Do you really need to boost your testosterone levels?
SKY-HIGH TESTOSTERONE seems to be everyone’s answer for what ails all men, promising more energy, bigger muscles, higher sex drive, better mood and PBs in the gym. At least that’s the picture promoted by supplement spruikers, online ‘men’s health’ clinics and plenty...
50 of the best safe words to use during sex
What is a safe word? Safewords originated in the Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism (BDSM) community where play involves extreme forms of dominance. A safeword is a pre-agreed word or signal that stops play instantly and is part of the permissive philosophy of...
Asking for a mate . . . with Chantelle Otten
Each month, Men’s Health’s sex and relationship’s panellist Chantelle Otten assists you (or your mate!) with your most private and pressing bedroom concerns. This month: how can I last longer in bed?
Could astrology hold the key to boosting your success in online dating?
Astrology is gaining traction in the digital dating scene. Discover how reaching for the stars could take your dating game to the next level
15 secrets to making a partner orgasm every single time
Try out some of these new moves and go-to tips to level up your bedroom game and bring your partner over the edge every time.
Asking for a mate… with Chantelle Otten
Each month, Men’s Health’s sex and relationship’s panellist Chantelle Otten assists you (or your mate!) with your most private and pressing bedroom concerns. This month: is it normal to be curious about sexual kinks?
A psychologist’s guide to beating dating-app fatigue
Getting hammered on Hinge? In his new column, Men’s Health’s panellist on mental health, Dr Zac Seidler, looks at how dating apps can affect your self-esteem and identifies ways you can turn the tide in your favour.
A complete guide to the Triceratops sex position
This new steamy standing position will take your bedroom game to the next level and can be done anytime and (almost) anywhere.
Asking for a mate… with Chantelle Otten
Each month, Men’s Health’s sex and relationship’s panellist Chantelle Otten assists you (or your mate!) with your most private and pressing bedroom concerns. This month: how hair loss affects sexual confidence.
20 Hinge prompts to help you get a response this Valentine’s Day
With Valentine's Day almost here, it's time to get yourself on the front foot and start sparking up some real conversations.
Can emojis be the wingman you never knew you needed?
From the most popular to the best practices, this is your ultimate guide to safely and correctly using emojis.
The 10 best Valentine’s Day gift ideas
We promise they're not cheesy.
A List of 30 sexual kinks and fetishes we know you’re curious about
With a mind-blowing selection to choose from, take a deep dive into the weird and wonderful list of kinks and fetishes.
How to work out for a longer, better sex life
Looking for longevity in the bedroom? Factor these things into your training to take your sex life to new heights.