IF YOU WANT bigger biceps, you’ve clicked on the right article. We’re not here to waste any time, either. If you want to know the true benefits of bigger, stronger arms, you can click here.
But for now, let’s get straight to it. You want bigger biceps, let’s go.
Here’s how it works: this high-frequency bicep training approach is designed for short-term use (3-5 weeks) to deliver an intense new stimulus. The protocol is deceptively simple, yet highly effective, targeting your biceps with a substantial workload every single day
You’ll perform this protocol on top of your regular training. If you follow a full-body training plan, you’ll perform this work at the beginning of each session following the priority principle. If you use any sort of split regiment, on days that are heavily leg focussed, perform the bicep work at the beginning of your session. On upper body days, where you may be performing other pulling movements (think chin-ups and rows) perform your bicep work at the end.
The bigger biceps protocol
This couldn’t be simpler. Each day you’re going to perform 100 bicep curls, using a weight you could curl for around 20 reps before you hit failure. Your goal is to perform all 100-rep – with impeccable form and controlled tempo – in as few sets as possible, resting for no longer than 5-10 deep breaths between each set.
If you reach the point where you can perform all 100 reps in 5 or less sets, up the weight.
If you can’t make it into the gym each day, even for a quick 100-rep visit to curls-ville, invest in a resistance band that you can step inside of and curl at home, at work, or anywhere else you find yourself. The key here is consistency and frequency. If you have dumbbells at home, follow the same protocol and use the same weight dumbbells when you’re in the gym in order to properly chart your progress. Curl both dumbbells at the same time, aiming for a big squeeze at the top of each rep and a big stretch at the bottom.
Movement options
Standing Dumbbell Curl

Stand tall holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides (A). With minimal momentum and keeping your upper arms tight to your body, curl both dumbbells upwards, turning your palms inwards until your pinky fingers are near your shoulders (B). Squeeze here and reverse the movement under control.
Standing Barbell Curl

If you have access to an ‘EZ bar’ use this. The design of the bar makes it much more friendly for your wrist and shoulders over this high-frequency period.
Stand tall with your bar, your palms facing towards you, shoulder-width apart (A). With minimal momentum, curl the bar upwards towards your chin (B). Squeeze here and lower the weights under control. Repeat.
Resistance Band Curl

Stand in the centre of a resistance band and hold both ends at waist height (A). Keeping your upper arms still slowly curl your hands up towards your chest, squeezing your biceps hard at the top of each rep (B) before slowly lowering your arms back to a dead hang and repeating.
If you notice any signs of overuse such as sore elbows or wrists, beyond simple (and expected) DOMs during this period, cease the protocol immediately.
This article originally appeared on Men’s Health UK.