TRAINING WITH A single dumbbell can be great. In fact, we’ve crafted entire plans around building your fittest, strongest body ever, using just one ‘bell, over on our app. But sometimes, training for maximal gains with minimal kit can make us feel like we should forgo some of life’s simple pleasures, like scoring a juicy arm pump with a skin splitting bicep and tricep workout. But believe us, they’re not mutually exclusive.
This simple 12-minute biceps and triceps pump-fest will grow those guns in next to no time. Whether you’re working out from home, or in a criminally sparse space, keep this workout in your back pocket for whenever you want to work on those pythons.
For both parts (triceps, followed by biceps), you’re going to be working in an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) format. Set a countdown timer for six minutes and work your way through as many high-quality rounds as possible, resting as necessary to keep your form tight. Make a note of how many total rounds/reps you achieve for each part, and aim to beat this next time to ensure those sleeves keep stretching
The workout
6-minute Triceps AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

1) Single-arm Tricep Extensions, x max reps (each arm)
Stand or sit, gripping a single dumbbell directly overhead (A). Bend at the elbows and slowly lower the dumbbell towards the back of your head, while keeping your upper arms locked in place. Stop just short of the ‘bell touching your back (B) before extending back up explosively. Repeat. Complete as many reps as possible and then switch arms and attempt to match the reps. Switch the arm you begin with on each round.

2) Close-grip Press-ups, x max reps
Assume a strong plank position with your hands almost touching on the ground and core tight (A). Bend your elbows to slowly lower your chest to the floor (B). Keep your upper arms tight to your body as you push back up explosively to a straight arm position. Squeeze your triceps hard at the top each rep. Keeping repping out until you can’t.

3) Lying Two-handed Tricep Extension, x max reps
Lay flat on a bench or the floor holding a single dumbbell with both hands and gripping the outer ‘heads’, which should be locked out above your chest (A). Bend at the elbows, slowly lowering the dumbbell towards your head while keeping your upper arms locked in place. Stop just short of the ‘bell touching your head (B) before extending back up explosively. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat…
6-minute biceps AMRAP

1) Kneeling Single-arm Bicep Curl, x max reps (each arm)
Kneel down holding your dumbbell at your side (A). With minimal momentum curl the dumbbells upwards, turning your palms inwards as you do until your pinky finger is near your shoulders (B). Squeeze here and lower under control. Complete as many reps as possible and then switch arms and attempt to match the reps. Switch the arm you begin with on each round.

2) Single-dumbbell Crush Curl, x max reps
Stand tall holding your dumbbell with both hands, gripping the outer ‘heads’ at waist height (A). With minimal momentum, curl the dumbbell upwards until it’s beneath your chin (B). Squeeze your biceps hard here here and lower the weight under control. Repeat
This article originally appeared on Men’s Health UK.